
FreeTelly is a preloaded version of Kodi with many addons preinstalled and virtually all ready to go.  It is only for Windows or the Mac at this stage.  It does require a few tweaks for the Australian user but is a perfect way to be introduced to Kodi with most of the hard work already done for you.

It will allow you to play video files you have acquired or to get online and enter the world of online streaming! Before trying FreeTelly, ensure you have adequate download available to you in your internet plan.

It is an ideal initial setup for anyone wishing to put their toe in the water and give Kodi a try on a Windows or Mac computer. Just run an HDMI lead from your laptop to a free HDMI port on your TV and enjoy the fun all on your big screen at home.

For a YouTube How To on how to install FreeTelly on your Windows PC click this link:

Download your Windows or Mac PC version of FreeTelly from this link:  

Follow the directions given here to install the Windows version of FreeTelly, be patient as it takes some time to install:

It will take a few minutes to complete the install but allow it to complete, possibly update and do further downloads.  There will be a time when you think the install process has crashed but installation is still going on in the background.

Give permission for FreeTelly to access the internet, OK the next screen screen and then allow it to Finalize the Installation ("Click Here To Finalize Installation").  Let it continue until you get the Installation Successful message.

When “Complete”, you will now have a fully functioning version of FreeTelly (Kodi) installed.  You have most of the preferred addons already there ready to go. For the first time user, all the work is done.

But it may require some further ‘tweaking’.

At the bottom right hand corner is a House and Back arrow icons.  The House icon is for ‘Home’, the back arrow is for ‘Back’.  You will also have keyboard keys which do this.

Click on System (slide your mouse to the right or click on the right arrow key) and click on "Appearance.  At the foot of that page click on the Settings level until it gets to ‘Expert’. Do this for all pages for Settings where this option is available.

In Expert Level click on 'Skin' and here you will find ‘Zoom’ about half way down the page of options.  You can use this setting when required so the picture fits perfectly onto your TV screen.

Now click on 'Skin', 'Settings' and 'Appearance'.  Click on “International” and then “Region”.  Set your region to Australia and either a 12 hour or 24 hour clock.

Go back to ‘Skin’, ‘Settings’ and ‘General’. Activate ‘Enable auto scrolling for plot and review’.  This allows a complete synopsis to scroll through.

Go to ‘Home Window’.  Activate ‘Hide Pictures’. This will hide the option to show photos or other pictures on FreeTelly.  It is an option I would never use but leave it there if you think you might use it..

Go to ‘Background’.  Here you can disable the yucky background picture in FreeTelly and navigate to your own preferred background picture.  This is done via ‘Enable custom background’. Just click on 'Background Path' and select the file you want as your background.

All of the shortcuts to the better addons have already been done for you but the ‘Addon shortcut’ section is where you do this.

Now we have to configure our Weather app.  You access this by going ‘Back’ until you spot ‘Weather’ on the “Change Your Settings’ page. Click on Weather, Service For Weather, Get More. Select ‘Oz Weather’ and it will install. 

When Oz Weather has installed go to ‘Settings’ (under Service for weather information) and “Change suburb 1”.  Follow the directions, type in your postcode and ‘Done’, select your suburb and click on ‘Ok’.

Go back to System, Appearance, Settings, Home Window options and activate ‘Show weather information’. Click on the "Home Button" and now the weather info will appear in the top left corner of your Home Page.

You should be setup to get online and stream some movies.

OR for a Video on downloading and setting up Kodi on any platform check this out:   This video shows another way of setting up Kodi/FreeTelly but for all platforms.  After installing and running Config Wizard you then have an equivalent version of Kodi as you would with FreeTelly.  The rest of the links in this YouTube Video are for numerous other addons which you may or may not want.

For most queries check out these sites:

Let Google and YouTube be your friend as well.  There are literally hundreds of YouTube videos out there which will run you through numerous routines to add or remove addons or tweak your FreeTelly/Kodi experience.

Always shut FreeTelly/Kodi down via the power button at the bottom left hand corner of the Home page.

Setting up and Watching your own Movie/TV Show files.

FreeTelly will play movies from anywhere on your home wireless network.  If a device is attached to the network, FreeTelly can play files from that device onto the screen or any connected TV.

Firstly FreeTelly will go online and find synopsis, actors, ratings and screen shots of Movies, TV Series and individual TV Show episodes for your files.  It does this by connecting to TVDB, TMDB or IMDB websites, scraping the information, downloading it to your computer and then displaying it onscreen as a aprt of the 'Library'.

These links will help you:

This one is great for adding ‘remote sources’:   That is for files you have stored on a networked (or attached) drive.

I have two folders set up on a networked drive. One Folder is called Movies, the other TV Shows.

You must name your files in the correct format that FreeTelly/Kodi can work with.  In some cases if there are 2 movies of the same name, you must add a year, eg (2006)

In the Movies folder I have just ‘bare’ movie files all properly named.

In the TV Shows folder I have a folder for each TV Series and in the folder individually correctly named TV episodes.

For example I have a folder for the TV Series “Wire In The Blood” and in it are files named Wire In The Blood 1x01, Wire In The Blood 1x02, Wire In The Blood 1x03, Wire In The Blood 1x04, Wire In The Blood 2x01, Wire In The Blood 2x02, Wire In The Blood 2x03, Wire In The Blood 3x01  etc..

I have also set FreeTelly to look at my TV Shows and Movies folders at startup to look for any new files in either folder and go and get the relevant info.

To do this go to System, Video, Library and activate ‘Update Library at Startup’.

Let Google help you so you have permission to rename and delete movie files from your library and from your networked drive if you wish. (System, Appearance Settings, File Lists, Allow file renaming and deletion)

A most important keyboard key to use is “C”.  This key allows you to open the ‘Context Menu” and allows you to do heaps of things.

The “A” key allows you to adjust sync problems while a file is playing.

To change the view of how files are being presented on your screen, click on the small tab on the left side of your screen when viewing files.  Click keeps the tab open, slide over will open it but won't lock it in place. The top option is View and the default is 'List'.  Each time you click on View, the view changes.  I like fanart for the first view, then when I have found a TV episode I like to set it to Media info view.

Have fun!

Download a 170kb pdf copy of this page HERE.  Print it off as a resource. (Updated Aug 18th 2016)